Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Flintstones Cigarette Commercial

Doc Chris assigned us this video to watch for our next class.  Briefly, it is a commercial for Winston cigarettes using the cartoon characters from The Flintstones...which is a cartoon geared for children.

As much as this commercial is shocking in our modern day society, when it first aired I'm sure it wasn't as inappropriate as it is considered now.  For a long time, people were not aware of the negative side affects that cigarettes caused. That being said, when they created this advertisement I'm sure they were aiming to choose a representative that would be recognizable.  Despite the fact that I find this to be inappropriately targeting children, even if it is indirectly, I think that this type of advertisement was probably a societal norm. Now a days, one would think that using a cartoon character to promote harmful and adult products is unethical and all around absurd, which I do have to agree with.

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