Thursday, September 22, 2011

Reflection Week 3

Today, Doc Chris started out the class with several trials. He not only gave constructive criticism to those people who had weak blogs, but gave out several TWITA awards for blogs that were doing well visually and verbally.  The Red Pandas had a good amount of praise, including Genna and James.  James' blog was so good that he gave his entire team, including me, immunity for the rest of the day.  Meaning, if any of us didn't do our homework correctly, he gave us an out.  Doc Chris said it's because this class focuses on teamwork. Which I'd have to agree with. Red Pandas are top notch.

Dan on trial for his blog. He had good photos but didn't have enough substance to his text.

Genna on trial for her blog. She had the best reflection Doc Chris had seen in a while, quote from him directly.

James and Doc Chris during his trial, getting berated about being a Yankee fan and getting praised for having a great blog, despite coming into class a day later than everyone else.

Doc Chris had our team and the No-namers head off in a coin flip to determine who would present their outlines first. Naturally, The Red Pandas won. See Photo Above.

Next, the No-namers and the last team competed in a Rock Paper Scissor contest to decide who would go first. As you can see, Mike isn't happy with the outcome. They lost.

Doc Chris is holding the class as he normally does. Though this class is extremely different from Video Production, his teaching style remains the same. I think that most kids these days appreciate this kind of teaching style since it is relevant to them and utilizes communication skills that they regularly exercise anyway. He keeps the class on their toes when it comes to assignments and trials.
The Red Pandas are outstanding, as usual. I think that we mesh well and we are a fun group of kids. Everyone has different strengths that we bring to the group and none of us seem to be quiet or reserved, so I think that is a plus to our dynamic.
The class went well as usual. We continued to learn techniques about blogger, Google+, and facebook. I'm not a fan of Google+ really, but I think it is interesting that we're learning about it in our Multimedia class. I suppose it is relevant to the course. I noticed that Facebook is actually becoming more and more like Google+ so it's probably better that I learn how to work Google+ since there is beginning to be a blend in functions. Doc Chris also continued to tell us to "sexy" up our blogs, so I'll have to start to do that in different ways. We also presented our outline in the studio since we had to demonstrate the importance of lighting. We showed 3 point lighting, using key, fill, and back. The other two groups were  good too and the No-namers showed a really cool video about perception. I'll have to find it and post it here.

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