Thursday, October 6, 2011

Reflection 4

At the beginning of class we had a couple of trials to determine the quality of peoples blogs. Someone from every team got immunity for their outstanding blogs...naturally all of Red Pandas blogs were up to date and pretty great all around. Miles as absent today, due to illness, and he was put on trial despite the fact he wasn't present in the class. Although he signed onto to facebook to let Doc Chris know he wasn't able to make it, he still had to deal with Judge Doctor Chris. James acted as Miles lawyer and got him out of his sentence.

BCPD was also put on trial for not putting their presentations online quick enough or in the right place. Eventually they were let off with a mild warning.

Next, every group had to present their chapters from the textbook. The no namers went first with Chapter 4, which dealt with color. They included a ton of videos and photographs which really put a visual to the text. BCPD presented chapter five, and even though I think they did a good job, Doc Chris said that they just needed a little bit more organization. Rad Pandas went last with chapter 6 and I think we did a great job. We utilized our facebook wall, youtube, and blogger by putting up our examples and outline on all of these media outlets. We also showed two creative videos in order to depict the sense of scale and framing. 

I think that Doc Chris is continuing with his style of teaching and I believe that it works for what we are doing. Since this is a multimedia class, we are using our connections and interactive ways to learn new and different material. I think that the information will learn sinks in better when we pick it up in different, fun ways. For example, we tried the Hang-Out application on Google + during presentations. This is useful in the instance that Doc Chris ever needs to cancel a class. We could have a class in our own dorms.

This is our group, The Red Pands, doing our video reflection. Filmed by Mairead.

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