Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week Seven Reflection

On Thursday, we had a double presentation class where each group had to present their designated two chapters to the rest of the class and Doc Chris. An aspect that we hadn't addressed prior to this class was "dressing the part" so Doc Chris made each of us come to class in dress attire, or at least with a put together look (basically, no sweatpants...don't look like you rolled out of bed). I think that we all looked great and pretty professional if I do say so myself. Everyone's outline utilizes the combined efforts of our Facebook group, Google +, individual blogs, and clips from youtube. I think that it was a great day of showing off all media forms to get the presentations done efficiently and interestingly. After this class, we've completed the textbook in a timely manner and as a collective unit instead of individually.

Doc Chris informed us that because we have done such a great job on our midterms and completing the outlines, next week is the Halloween party...including costumes, music, and other fun things I'm sure. Lots of sights, sounds, and motion.

Overall, I think this way of tackling the textbook was the best way to get us each to do our part and have a hands on experience learning new material. The Red Pandas have come a long way and I think that we are in pretty good shape from the start of the semester. We can each get up in front of the class and present information that we've learned. Doc Chris has made sure that we know how to utilize our strengths and how to change our weaknesses into more of a positive thing. His style of teaching is consistent, which is generally a good thing in a classroom when it is one that is exciting and upbeat.

The no-namers presenting their outlines. Nicole is currently speaking.

BCPD was the next group to go.

This is my group, Red Pandas, as I present a video on youtube that helps explain a segment of our outline better with visuals and sounds.

An image of James presenting the next chapter for us, with Nicole in the background.

Miles, Genna, and I presenting.

James holding down the fort on the Google+ Hangout while other people are presenting in our group.

all images borrowed from fellow red pandas Dan & Mairead.

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