Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Week Five Reflection

So  class this week was extremely active and up beat. We started off the day on a positive note, with Doc Chris giving everyone in the class praise for their blogs, going to the tailgate, keeping up with their media outlets and outlines. Doc Chris gave Maeraid limited immunity for trash talking BCPD when it came to their presentations. When it came to the order of presentations, it was decided by a coin flip. Naturally, Red Pandas were victorious and chose to go last so we could better prepare ourselves. Clearly our team works well together since, so far, we have been succeeding at every task thrown at us. We gained nine points in total today. We had the most members attend tailgate, which I think is pretty impressive since it was on a weekend. I wasn't able to be there myself so viewing the photographs and video online from the tailgate was a cool thing for me. We had a great presentation full of videos, photos, and demonstrations which earned us more points. Further, Dan suggested we have a Google+ hangout so that gave us some extra points too.

Miles winning the Red Pandas vs. BCPD coin toss. Doc Chris actively flipping the coin.

Miles being a true gentleman and helping out the opposing team with their video equipment.

the No-Namers presenting their outlines to the class.

The Red Pandas presenting our power point. The Disney video was a big hit with Doc Chris and the class.

Another shot of our group presenting our outline.

Doc Chris' reaction to our presentation. I think he liked it! Doc Chris was great this week, as usual. His teaching style continues to grow and help the class grow with him. The Red Pandas are continually and progressively getting better and better. We are utilizing all media forms and techniques. We are also focusing on our strengths and weaknesses through these trials that Doc Chris' holds.

Our Reflection Video:

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